Linum decumbens Desf.

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Rispondi FOTO IN GALLERIA IPFI Topic_id: 37263
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Messaggi: 5308
Iscritto il: 14 mag 2010, 14:40
Nome: Beppe
Cognome: Di Gregorio
Residenza(Prov): Palermo (PA)
Località: Palermo

Linum decumbens Desf.

Messaggio da Fraginesi »

Linum decumbens Desf.
Linaceae: Lino rosso
Monte Inici (TP), 750 m, mag 2012
Foto di Beppe Di Gregorio
{F 5152}
{F 5152}
Linum decumbens - Monte Inici - 01-05-2012 15-00-32.JPG (137.02 KiB) Visto 2308 volte
{F 5152}
{F 5152}
Linum decumbens - Monte Inici - 01-05-2012 15-01-01.JPG (65.71 KiB) Visto 2308 volte
Ultima modifica di Fraginesi il 01 gen 1970, 02:00, modificato 0 volte in totale.
Motivazione: {Italia - 18 - 98 - 0}
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Messaggi: 5308
Iscritto il: 14 mag 2010, 14:40
Nome: Beppe
Cognome: Di Gregorio
Residenza(Prov): Palermo (PA)
Località: Palermo

Re: Linum decumbens Desf.

Messaggio da Fraginesi »

Linum decumbens Desf.
Linaceae: Lino rosso
Monte Inici (TP), 750 m, mag 2012
Foto di Beppe Di Gregorio
{F 5152}
{F 5152}
Linum decumbens - Monte Inici - 01-05-2012 15-00-03.JPG (73.44 KiB) Visto 2307 volte
{F 5152}
{F 5152}
Linum decumbens - Monte Inici - 01-05-2012 15-00-055.JPG (195.47 KiB) Visto 2307 volte
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Messaggi: 5308
Iscritto il: 14 mag 2010, 14:40
Nome: Beppe
Cognome: Di Gregorio
Residenza(Prov): Palermo (PA)
Località: Palermo

Re: Linum decumbens Desf.

Messaggio da Fraginesi »

Linum decumbens Desf.
Linaceae: Lino rosso
Monte Inici (TP), 750 m, mag 2012
Foto di Beppe Di Gregorio
Linum decumbens - Monte Inici - 01-05-2012 15-00-033.JPG
Linum decumbens - Monte Inici - 01-05-2012 15-00-033.JPG (146.75 KiB) Visto 2307 volte
{F 5152}
{F 5152}
Linum decumbens - Monte Inici - 01-05-2012 15-00-50.JPG (162.62 KiB) Visto 2307 volte
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Messaggi: 5308
Iscritto il: 14 mag 2010, 14:40
Nome: Beppe
Cognome: Di Gregorio
Residenza(Prov): Palermo (PA)
Località: Palermo

Re: Linum decumbens Desf.

Messaggio da Fraginesi »

Dolgenbluetler ha scritto:Dear Beppe,
may I use these pictures for my website
I would right your name under the picture and link it with a website of your choice.
Best wishes
Dear Thomas,
generally, I'm not opposed to give permission for my photographs, but relating to my photos in Actaplantarum, I think it's more correct that these ones stay on the original site or, alternatively, they can be linked at your site. Infact, behind the publication of the photos of the plants on the Actaplantarum site there is an hard work of enthusiasts and professionals that contribute to the development of this site with expenditure of time, energy (and money) and it's right that this job is recognized inside the originating place. Often, it's happened that many interesting and rare photos were catched without any permission request. Other times someone tried to pick hundreds and hundreds photos with "astute" permission requests. It's a very dirty play!

Obsvioluly it's not your case and even for your courtesy in asking permission, please, choose one or two pictures of L. decubens and insert in your site.
I gave a look at your site and I appreciate that the site goal is not commercial.
Please, put my name Beppe Di Gregorio and link to this site (

Sorry for the long discussion but I prefer that my opinions are clear.

Best wishes
Beppe :bye:
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Messaggi: 4
Iscritto il: 26 ago 2013, 10:58
Nome: Meyer
Cognome: Thomas
Residenza(Prov): Germany (EE)

Linum decumbens Desf. {ID 4770 0}

Messaggio da Dolgenbluetler »

Dear Beppe,
meanwhile I work since 3 years on my website. Now there are 1500 plants with nearly 11000 photos included and I travel every year to a mediterreanean country to make photos. From a ten- day journey I come back with about 5000 photos and it takes months to determine and include them into the website. But the most important aim is to finish genus after genus and create good determination keys for all species in the genus. This is only possible, when I get photos from other authors. There are a lot of people in Italy helping me with pictures for example Andrea Moro
He gave me the permission to use all his photos. There are also a lot of people publishing in actaplantarum.
Here my "helpers list":
At the moment I try to describe the thistles: I finished Carthamus, Carduncellus, Picnomon, Lamyropsis, Notobasis, Onopordum, Scolymus, and Silybum. Now I work on Carlina: ... arlina.htm
So my question: Is it possible, that I can use your photos from Carlina nebrodensis?
Best wishes
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Franco Giordana
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Iscritto il: 01 feb 2008, 10:40
Nome: Franco
Cognome: Giordana
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Re: Linum decumbens Desf.

Messaggio da Franco Giordana »

Please, use MP (Private Messages) for requests like this one.
Historical records should non be added with staff not concerning the correct determination of the plant object of the topic.
Thank you.
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Messaggi: 4
Iscritto il: 26 ago 2013, 10:58
Nome: Meyer
Cognome: Thomas
Residenza(Prov): Germany (EE)

Re: Linum decumbens Desf.

Messaggio da Dolgenbluetler »

I am sorry! :oops:
I sent him a private message now.
Best wishes
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